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Mostly RE and Sociology resources
Miracles lesson

Miracles lesson

Well resourced - differenciation included Home learning included Pupils love this unit -a double period lesson which belongs in a unit ‘can we prove that God exists’ KS3 and KS4 Friendly Non-specialist friendly
How do Sikhi's serve others

How do Sikhi's serve others

Well resourced - differenciation included Home learning included Pupils love this unit -a double period lesson which belongs in a unit of ‘challenges of being Sikhi’ - SACRE KS3 and KS4 Friendly Non-specialist friendly
Scientific views of the universe

Scientific views of the universe

Well resourced - differenciation included Home learning included Pupils love this unit -a double period lesson which belongs in a unit ‘can we prove that God exists’ KS3 and KS4 Friendly Non-specialist friendly
Religion responds to science

Religion responds to science

Pupils love this unit -a double period lesson which belongs in a unit ‘can we prove that God exists’ KS3 and KS4 Friendly Pupils will engage in religious scripture and decipher whether religion is compatible with science
Cosmological argument (KS3 & 4 compatible)

Cosmological argument (KS3 & 4 compatible)

We have made this lesson KS3 friendly but this can be used for KS4 with an additional exam question added. Our pupils loved this lesson. Resources including differenciation included. Home learning included